What to Expect

Each course has a structured curriculum developed by us. Our curriculum is flexible for the conditions, where we will cover it all on your course and more. We are here to answer all your surf related questions.
We conduct video analysis sessions on every course, where we film or take photos everyday from the land. We aim to do video analysis once on beginner progression weeks and on two day courses and twice or more on Intermediate and Longboard 5 Day Courses.
We love working one on one with you, giving you new tools to work with and goals to take away from the course.
On select courses we will run ocean confidence sessions which can involve swimming in the sea, body surfing, belly boarding or breath holding workshops. What we do is dependent on conditions.
Two Surf Sessions a Day
We don't have time limits on our sessions we surf as long as the waves are good.
Theory Sessions
On land theory with visuals and demos. Q&A's everyday, ask us anything.
In Water
Photographer Session/s
One session on two day courses. Two sessions on five day courses. (We take on land video and photos everyday too!)
We are based at Watergate Bay
We are mobile within our permissions.
Gather and Glide is ran out of our modified surf van to give us freedom to surf wherever the conditions are best. This does mean we do get changed and ready to surf outside our vehicles like most British surfers. This also means we don't have access to a hot shower in our van, however in season Watergate does have public hot showers if the conditions are good and we are running from there.

Daily Schedule
Our Schedule of each day and course revolves around finding the best conditions, locations and tides for the surf sessions. Some days we may do sunrise or sunset surfs other days may mean a two hour break in between sessions. We are flexible.
You can expect our start and finishing times to be between the following:
AM Meet time: 6.30am - 10.30am
PM End time: 4pm - 6.30pm
The earlier we start the earlier we finish and the later we start the later we finish, a full day is around 6 - 8 hrs long and it's fine if you need to join us late or leave early.
We let you know three days beforehand with our predicted schedule to ensure the surf forecast is as accurate as possible, but this is not fixed and can change.
Day One
Meet and greet at confirmed location
(If you need transport we can arrange lift shares)
Join us for a hot drink
Introduction to the course
Safety briefing and first session theory
Equipment allocated (for those who requested hire)
Get suited up
Go down to the beach
Practical movement based theory on beach depending on course
First surf no pressure just getting back in and comfortable
After first surf debrief
Theory before second session
In water surf exercise based session
In water individual feedback
After surf debrief
Chill out time or time to explore Newquay
Group dinner out
Day Two
Meet at confirmed location
On land theory and movement based theory on beach
Surf with In water Individual Feedback
Hot drinks and individual video analysis from last three sessions
Set small individual goals for the week or future
Q&A session
Fun surf working on individual goals
Debrief and plan for your progression
Example Two Days with Gather & Glide

8 Participants Per Course
We keep the numbers low enough for the best coaching.
Three Coaches Every Course
Three experienced coaches teaching each course.
Groups with similar abilities
We have divided our courses into three levels so you will feel comfortable.
We either organise a beach BBQ one evening if the weather is good or book one of our favourite restaurants to come together and celebrate!
When you arrive you will receive one of our goody bags with some useful things for you for the weekend or week.
We will also send you all your land Photos and Videos from the course within a week of completion. If you would like them asap we can put them on your USB. Once the in water photos are edited you will be sent a link to download them.

What Happens After Booking
You will receive a booking confirmation, where we will ask for a few more details on your form so we can make your course perfect for you.
We will also ask you if you need to hire any equipment, including a board and wetsuit.
We recommend finding accommodation early, Newquay has a lot of accommodation but it does book up fast. Check out our accommodation page.
The week before the course, we create a WhatsApp group with the other people joining on your course so you can get to know them better and potentially organise lifts down or transport. Your coaches and hosts will also be in the chat if you have any pre-course questions. We also use this group during the week to give you the next days plan and share surf photos of the day.
Three Days before the course begins we send out a preliminary schedule for the week or weekend this is completely subject to change as the surf forecast changes all the time and we want to make the most of the time you have with us.